5 Incredible Reasons to Buy Refurbished Computers

refurbished ibook

When selecting a computer for your office or home, the average business or consumer has more options available to them than they ever have before. One of these options which is growing in popularity is purchasing a refurbished computer, this can be a desktop, laptop, or any other accessories for the computer like LCD displays. Why are more businesses and consumers choosing to purchase equipment that is refurbished? Here are five reasons why consumers see refurbished computers as a popular and smart buy:

  • Excellent Pricesrefurbished computers

The reason that stands out the most, is price. This is a great way to buy a cheap computer. Are you are curious as to why refurbished computer prices are lower? Some people believe it has to do with quality, this is not true. New computer prices have many factors contributing to their higher prices, such as engineering, original design, marketing campaigns, and manufacturing costs. When a computer reaches the market as being refurbished, these factors no longer weigh in on the price.

  • More Performance for Your Money

When looking at what you can get in terms of performance from a machine that is refurbished, think of a new laptop that is entry-level. This laptop comes with Windows 8.1, a minimum processor, and enough memory needed to run Windows 8.1, and costs about $500. Now if you were to spend this amount of money of a laptop that is refurbished, you will have a processor that is faster, and double the memory. Purchasing a refurbished computer instead of one that is new, basically gets you a computer that is fully-featured at cheap computer prices.

  • Hardware Reliability that is Proven

Compared to a new machine you should have more confidence in models that are refurbished. These computers should be ones that were previously-owned which are sanitized and the data wiped professionally, ready for a new owner, not ones that needed repair or were broken. These computers have proven their hardware works, whereas models that are new still have to be tested on the market.

  • Sustainability that is Responsible

When you purchase a computer that is refurbished it is a responsible way of reducing the huge amount of e-waste currently being dumped into our landfills, creating hazards to the health of populations that are already vulnerable. By buying one that is refurbished, you take one computer out of this system of e-waste, increasing the equipment’s usable lifespan, and doing what is right for the environment and human health.

  • Software Licensing Which is Affordable

You want to be sure the refurbisher you are purchasing from uses software that is genuine and authentic. This is an affordable way to obtain software that is fully-licensed, such as Windows 8.1 Premium or Professional Edition. When purchasing it directly, you will pay more than $300, or you can purchase a refurbished computer for less than that. You can get the software and a computer for less.

Purchasing a refurbished computer is an excellent way to get a great computer at a price you can afford. Make sure the one you purchase comes with a warranty for that added confidence